Purchase of 100 pcs of new double pocket wagons


We are glad to announce a purchase of 100 pcs of brand new double pocket wagons type Sdggmrss produced by bulgarian KOLOWAG and owned by Trade Trans Invest, a.s. Bratislava. These wagons will serve for intermodal transportations of our clients within the European area.

Ӧsterreichische Verkehrszeitung reports here: http://www.oevz.com/news/100-neue-doppeltaschenwagen-bei-der-trade-trans-group/


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Trade Trans Invest, a.s.
:: Lazaretská 23
:: SK-811 09 Bratislava
:: Tel. +421-2-57107511
:: Fax +421-2-57107585
:: E-mail info@tradetrans.com

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3471/B, ICO: 35882778

The company is signed in the Companies register of The District Court Bratislava I, section: Sa, insert
No: 3471/B, ID: 35882778