In February 2012 PS Trade Trans opened its representative office in Hong Kong by signing a contract for exclusive representation with G & K Asia Invest (HK) Ltd. G & K Asia Invest will represent PS Trade Trans in Hong Kong (headquarter location), in People's Republic of China and in the region of South Asia and the Pacific. It's all about contacts with new customers and to assist in realization of logistics contracts. PS Trade Trans intensified its development activities in the field of international intermodal transports, particularly in direction East Asia, organizing transport of containers, both by sea and by rail through Asia to Europe. With a network of terminals and warehouses on the eastern border of the European Union and a network of customs agencies throughout Poland, company can provide even the most complex logistics services delivering "door to door".
Archive at the link:
Trade Trans Invest, a.s.
:: Lazaretská 23
:: SK-811 09 Bratislava
:: Tel. +421-2-57107511
:: Fax +421-2-57107585
:: E-mail
Zapísaná v obchodnom registri Okresného súdu Bratislava I, oddiel: Sa, vložka císlo:
3471/B, ICO: 35882778
The company is signed in the Companies register of The District Court Bratislava I, section: Sa, insert
No: 3471/B, ID: 35882778